Downtown Rochester, NH

Help Us Keep Your Neighborhood Safe.

The Crimeline is an anonymous system in which callers give information that would lead to an arrest or indictment of an adult or juvenile, or information which leads to the arrest of a fugitive wanted in felony cases. The caller would be eligible for a cash award. Up to $1000 reward may be paid. A Crimeline telephone is manned on a 24 hour basis.

Call the Crimeline at 603-335-6500 or email us.

When Should You Call?

If you hear information about a crime that has been committed or one that is being planned call Rochester Crimeline. If you are aware of drug dealing, vandalism, theft, burglary or similar crimes and feel the need to share that information with the police in an anonymous manner, use the Crimeline telephone number, or email us. To follow up on an existing tip click here.

If you want to report a crime that is in progress, call dispatch at 335-7527. In an emergency situation, always call 911.

What Happens When You Call Rochester Crimeline?

Calling Rochester CrimelinePeople often ask what happens when you call the Rochester Crimeline. The first thing you need to know is that the Rochester Crimeline procedure gives concerned citizens, like you, an anonymous method to report criminal activity 24/7/365.

When you call, the Crimeline phone number rings at one of two phones specifically set up at the Rochester Police Department. Calls to these two phones are not recordable nor are they traceable.

One phone sits on the desk of Officer Kyle Danie, the police detective assigned to the Crimeline Board of Directors. When a call is made while Officer Danie is in the station, he answers the phone. Information is taken and a number is assigned to the caller. The number provides the link between the information and the caller so the anonymity of the caller is maintained.

If no detective is available to answer the phone, the call is forwarded to the second phone which is located in the Dispatch Center. The dispatcher takes the pertinent information on a Crimeline form, assigns a number to the caller and forwards the form to the detective assigned to the board.